Tennessee Valley Authority Colbert Fossil Plant – Tuscumbia, AL
General Project Scope:
HOMRICH is concurrently performing decontamination and demolition. Decontamination includes asbestos abatement, loose and flaking paint removal, universal waste removal and other regulated waste removal, and transportation and legal disposal offsite of all removed wastes.
Specific decontamination activities include removal and off-site disposal of uncontaminated coal dust, the removal, transportation and off-site disposal of oil, alcohol, fuel, petroleum, water, solids etc. from tanks, switchgear, transformers, trenches, pipes, sumps, conveyers, silos, and other structures within the project area. As of February 2021, asbestos abatement is continuing on the boilers and Turbines 1-3. Turbine 5 has been dismantled and Turbine 4 is underway. Demolition is completed on the Coal Conveyor Control Building, Coal Crushers, the Coal Ground Conveyor, and the Ash Silos. HOMRICH began demolition of the main structures in August 2020 and is scheduled to complete the project in the spring of 2022.
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